Hello lovelies! How is life treating you?

I must admit, I am so addicted to PoupéeGirl. I love all the cute items and coming up with dress ups. I try to dress up everyday, sometimes multiple times a day because I buy new items that I can't wait to wear.
Luckily I have avoided the jewels, although it is hard sometimes. A few times I came very close to buying some, but I remind myself that I have a rule against spending money on pixels. My solution to keep from lusting after jewels too much is to simply not look in the jewels shops. Of course I can't help myself and always end up taking a peak.
Last month was the fairy event, which I love so much. I didn't buy many items during the event due to a lack of ribbons and trying to buy older items before the time was up. But I had a perfect excuse to wear my previous fairy items. I did buy some of the limited sunflower items, I love the big flower and didn't want to miss my chance. I still plan to buy more fairy items, but I'm behind on buying from previous shops and the current rainy day event isn't helping.Anyways, here are my favorite dress ups from the fairy event. Once the rainy day event is over I will post my favorite outfits from the event as well.
Do any of you play poupeegirl? If you do, leave me a link to your profile so we can be friends ♥